House No.63/34/1 Shahid Mangal Pandey Rd, Barrackpore, WB 700120


Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, affecting millions of people worldwide. It occurs when the protective cartilage that cushions the ends of your bones wears down over time.

Arthritis is a degenerative condition in which the cartilage surrounding the articulating surfaces gets degenerated. There are various types of arthritis namely: osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, pseudo arthritis, gouty arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and more. The most commonly seen is osteoarthritis which triggers mainly knee, hip, spine joints. Another common type of arthritis is rheumatoid arthritis which targets small joints like wrist, fingers, great toe, ankle.

Arthritis is a process of ‘wear and tear’ of the joint. The cartilage covering the articulating surfaces acts as shock absorber of the joint. Over the time this cartilage undergoes wear and tear process which causes destruction of cartilage and exposes the underlying subchondral bone. Because of reduction in synovial fluid, destruction of cartilage there is reduction in joint space and increased friction in bones leading to osteoarthritis.

What are the causes of osteoarthritis?

· Age – Age is the most common cause of OA. With increasing age, degeneration of joints occurs due to wear and tear process of joints.

· Past trauma- Any previous ligament injuries, fractures around joint line, previous operation can lead to secondary OA.

· Obesity- Obesity is a major cause of OA as due to increased weight, higher amount of stress is placed on the weight bearing joints like knee, hip, spine leading to early degeneration of joint

· Overuse- Certain professions may demand repetitive prolong standing, jumping, squatting postures which puts more stress on joints leading to early joint pain

· Gender- The ratio in research suggests that women are more affected than men

· Genetic- Any person having family history of arthritis is more prone to get arthritis.

· Mal-alignment- Any mal-alignment in joint either congenitally present or due to any trauma may place improper forces acting on the joint placing stress and causing early degeneration.

Homeopathic medicines for Osteoarthritis:-

Bryonia Alba: it is one of the best homeopathic remedies for joint affection where the pain gets worse with movement and is relieved by rest. The pains are associated with swelling and stiffness of the joints with difficulty in climbing the stairs. The pains are worse from the slightest motion, better after rest, from pressure or by lying on the painful side.

Calcarea Carbonica: it is indicated for arthritis with swelling and pain which gets worse when getting up from a seated position. The joints feel cold and painful. It is indicated for people who are obese and gets easily tired by exertion. Complaints are worse from cold and dampness, and weakness or cramping in the extremities.

Rhus Toxicodendron: it is one of the best and frequently prescribed medicines in homeopathy for arthritis. It is indicated for pains that get worse from movement such as in getting up from a seated position. This relieves muscular and joint pains at the beginning of motion and then improved by slow motion. There is marked stiffness in the joints. The pain is worse when at rest, with weather changes, especially during cold, damp weather and by initial motion. The pains are better by warmth and motion.

Pulsatilla Nigricans: it is indicated for arthritis with muscle stiffness and cramping. Pains move unpredictably from one joint to another. It is useful when the hips and knees are affected. Symptoms are worse from warmth, and better from cold applications and open air.

Benzoic Acid: it is indicated for arthritis with crackling sound when the parts are moved.

Belladonna: it is useful for joint affections with sudden throbbing pains with a sensation of heat. The joints look red and inflamed, and the surface feels hot to the touch.

Calcarea phosphoricum: it is indicated when there is stiffness and soreness of the joints which are worse from drafts of cold. Aching in the bones feels worse from exertion. Tendency to formation of spurs.

Ledum palustre: it is indicated for joint affections that starts in the lower joints and extends to upper extremities. Pain and inflammation begin in the toes and spread to the ankles and knees. Pains relieved by cold applications and worse by warmth.

Caulophyllum thalictroides: it is indicated for pain in the joints of the fingers, hands and, toes. It is especially very useful for treating joint pains in women. Pain and stiffness alternate from one joint to another.

Causticum: it is indicated for joint pain with stiffness and a sensation of shortening of the tendons.

Dulcamara: it is indicated for joint pain and stiffness aggravated by dampness and cold weather.

Ruta graveolens: it is indicated for arthritis with great stiffness and lameness which gets worse from cold and damp weather and exertion. It is very useful when the tendons and the capsules of the joints are affected. Joint pains from overuse and repeated wear and tear. It is also indicated for arthritis after trauma. Sore, lame, bruised feeling in the joints. There is marked restlessness with constant change of position.

Colchicum: it is indicated for joint affections which gets worse during warm, wet weather. The complaints are worse during the change of seasons. The hands and fingers are most affected. The pains are worse from least motion.

Guaiacum: it is indicated for pain and swelling of the smaller joints, especially the wrists and fingers. The complaints are worse from warmth, and better from cold applications.

Kali bichromicum: it is the best remedy for arthritis with periodic episodes and for joint pains which alternates with other complaints. Marked periodicity where the symptoms appear at every change of seasons. Pain in one small spot, which radiates to different places. Pain come and go suddenly. The pain starts every day at the same time.

Rhododendron: it is indicated when all the symptoms of joint pains get worse before a thunderstorm. Restlessness in the legs crosses the legs in sleep due to pain